Michael McGuffin, President 301.588.1171 x201
Amber Bennett, Vice President of Marketing & Engagement 301.588.1171 x105
Jane Wilson, Director of Program Development 301.588.1171 x108
Holly Johnson, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer 301.588.1171 x103
Merle Zimmermann, Ph.D., Chief Information Analyst 301.588.1171 x106
Robert Marriott, J.D., Director of Regulatory Affairs 301.588.1171 x115
Natasha Weaver, J.D., Director of Education 301.588.1171 x109
Rachel Haas, Member Services Manager 301.588.1171 x107
Holly Chittum, Project Scientist 301.588.1171 x111
2022 Annual Fund Sponsors
AHPA appreciates the support of its sponsors, but does not endorse, recommend, or provide a warranty for any sponsor company, its products or services. AHPA has no responsibility for any transaction entered into with any of these companies.