AHPA Continuity of Service To Our Members

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AHPA Continuity of Service To Our Members

AHPA services and commitment to shared goals continue during COVID-19 outbreak

Published: Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Dear Members,

I’m reaching out to all of you today in this time of our shared focus on the COVID-19 pandemic, probably the most significant public health emergency we have ever faced, both individually and as the health-promoting herbal products industry.

As we all try to adapt to rapid changes, please note that the services AHPA provides and the commitment we share with you to our mission to support responsible commerce in herbal products will not change. We are taking precautions in response to this current emergency, so AHPA’s staff are now all working remotely. Each of us can be reached at our normal phone numbers and email addresses (see here).

We are also working actively with other trade organizations representing the natural products and broader food industries to further our access to additional resources and serve our members during these challenging times. We are all in this together, and AHPA’s long commitment to cooperation and collaboration with our association colleagues is especially important at this time.

For at least the short term we will limit our educational services to a webinar format and will refrain from conducting any in-person activities until further notice. If you have any suggestions on appropriate topics for member webinars, please let us know.

In addition, our communications functions remain fully operational, and indeed we anticipate issuing additional informational resources to members in the next few days and weeks.

As states, counties, and cities increasingly mandate restrictions on movement and congregation, each will set its own specific requirements and scope. However, in general and thus far, these mandates appear to have exceptions for essential businesses, while requiring appropriate precautions to safeguard staff and the public. Many of our members should fall under that essential category because they supply food stores, which are themselves essential, with herbal products, or provide services that allow these vital supply chains to continue to operate (e.g., ingredient suppliers, laboratories). However, any orders applicable to your specific location will detail these specifics and, along with your individual circumstances, determine the impacts on your business.

As always, feel free to contact me directly at any time to discuss these or any other issues.

We wish you, your families, and your communities the best during these extraordinary times. Stay safe, and stay healthy!


Michael & the AHPA Staff
