AHPA joins leading health and food organizations to urge lawmakers to clearly define exemptions to shelter-in-place orders

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AHPA joins leading health and food organizations to urge lawmakers to clearly define exemptions to shelter-in-place orders

March 19, 2020: Three letters urge clear definition of employee exemptions for shelter-in-place orders

Published: Thursday, March 19, 2020

In a series of three letters to federal, state, and local government officials, AHPA joined healthcare and food organizations to request that uniform language be included in shelter-at-home orders that provide direction to employees working in various industries related to dietary supplements, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals.

AHPA joined the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and the United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) to stress to state governors that critical that key sectors of the economy should maintain active operations during this time—especially key industries like food and healthcare product manufacturing that contribute vital products that keep people nourished and promote better health to meet continuing need and demand. The letter respectfully requests governors to mirror the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, and make special accommodation for critical infrastructure industries that specifically include not only conventional foods but all subcategories of food, including dietary supplements, infant formulas, medical foods and spices and flavors.

In a second letter to state Governors, AHPA joined seven other organizations to stress that it is imperative that biopharmaceutical and medical device and diagnostics companies and distributors be allowed to operate so that prescription drugs and medical supplies remain accessible to those who need them. The organizations state that to effectuate this intent, “healthcare operations” should be defined to include “companies and institutions involved in the research and development, manufacture, distribution, warehousing, and supplying of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology therapies, consumer health products, medical devices, diagnostics, equipment and services.”

In a letter to federal, state and local elected officials, AHPA joined 30 groups representing the food, beverage, and consumer packaged goods industries to request clarification of businesses that are exempt from local gathering bans and curfews. Some states have clearly exempted food, beverage, and consumer packaged goods manufacturing facilities (e.g., those manufacturing cleaning supplies, paper goods, personal care products, etc.), while others have not. This lack of uniformity is leading to significant confusion and could further deteriorate if a level of consistency across states and municipalities is not achieved quickly.

"The food, beverage and consumer packaged goods industries stand ready to work with state and local officials as well as the federal government in order to ensure the continued supply of safe, healthy, affordable food, and other essential items," the letter states.


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