April 2020 AHPA Report

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April 2020 AHPA Report

AHPA Members, Log in to access the AHPA Report

Published: Wednesday, April 8, 2020

AHPA Members, Log In to access the AHPA Report below.

April 2020

Volume 35, Number 4

Inside AHPA

  • 2020 Board of Trustees Election results
  • AHPA continuity of service
  • COVID-19 Web Center
  • Webinar recording: Navigating Claims
  • Workshop: Botany, Macroscopy and Organolepsy for cGMP Compliance
  • Update on international supplement regulations
  • Dietary Supplement Regulatory Summit rescheduled
  • AHPA in the news

Special Topics

  • Updated federal guidance cites "dietary supplement" workers as essential
  • FDA to limit domestic inspections
  • Our community is in this together
  • Hemp-CBD Supplement Congress rescheduled

AHPA Alerts

  • Legal Alerts
  • Science Alerts
  • Cannabis Alerts
  • Cosmetic Alerts

Calendar of AHPA and Industry Events

AHPA Members, Log In to download the report below.
