Request for proposals: Slippery elm sustainable wild harvest study

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Request for proposals: Slippery elm sustainable wild harvest study

Deadline extended to July 10, 2020

Published: Monday, June 1, 2020

Program Summary

The AHPA Foundation for Education and Research on Botanicals (AHPA Foundation) is issuing a request for proposals to award grant funding to eligible applicants in order to enhance and promote knowledge and understanding of sustainable harvest of slippery elm (Ulmus rubra). This document contains specific information about this funding opportunity. The grant supports research effects of varying rates of wild slippery elm bark harvest on tree population health and recovery across multiple harvest sites in order to inform sustainable harvest and management decisions for the species. The anticipated amount of funding available for a sustainable wild slippery elm bark harvest research project is up to $10,000 annually for up to 5 years.

Proposals must describe how the project will develop new information related to wild harvest impact of slippery elm, defining clear objectives that this project will specifically address using well defined and sound methodology. Applications should clearly explain what will be done to achieve the project objectives, and how tangible, measurable results will be collected and reported. Applications should describe the outreach plan (i.e. reporting of results) with clear deliverables and realistic expectations for reaching target beneficiaries of the research. Proposals must include a timeline appropriate to the work and proposed outreach, describe applicant familiarity with related work, and include a sensible budget. Applications should describe the key people involved in the project and their relevant experience, including their commitment, expertise, and ability to see the work through to its conclusion. Refer to the AHPA Foundation General Submission Guidelines for Research Grant Proposals for specific instructions on proposal content and organization. Note that only proposals which directly address wild harvest impact of slippery elm will be considered for this funding opportunity.

General proposals for research projects outside the scope of this RFP are accepted on a rolling basis and interested researchers are encouraged to direct inquiries regarding any other botanical research or education project ideas to Holly Johnson, AHPA Chief Science Officer at, or Holly Chittum, AHPA Project Scientist at

Special Topic:

Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) Sustainable Wild Harvest Study -- Submission Deadline: July 10, 2020

Special Topic Submission Instructions

Completed proposals must be drafted in accordance with the AHPA Foundation General Submission Guidelines for Research Grant Proposals and submitted via email to the program contact below in the following format:

  • MS Word documents are the accepted form for submissions, titled as: First initial and last name of principal investigator_Year_MonthDay (example: DSmith_19_0526).
  • Email subject line should read: Goldenseal Sustainable Harvest Study Grant Proposal, Last Name of PI (example: Slippery Elm Sustainable Wild Harvest Study Grant Proposal, Smith)

Program Contact 

Holly Johnson, PhD AHPA Chief Science Officer 

About the AHPA ERB Foundation

The AHPA Foundation for Education and Research on Botanicals (AHPA Foundation) exists to support education and research on medicinal, therapeutic, and health-promoting herbs. The Foundation supports projects that will serve to inform and promote best industry practices and sustain the future of botanicals and the herbal products industry for current and future generations of herbal products consumers. More at:
