AHPA requests adequate federal funding for USPS

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AHPA requests adequate federal funding for USPS

July 1, 2020: AHPA members depend on the Postal Service to transport herbal products

Published: Wednesday, July 1, 2020

AHPA President Michael McGuffin sent a letter to Congressional leaders in the U.S. House and Senate to request adequate federal funding be included in a fourth COVID-19 relief package to ensure the financial viability and continued operations of the United States Postal Service (USPS).

On May 15, the House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act (H.R. 6800 ), which contains $25 billion in financial relief for the USPS. Leaders in both the House and Senate, along with the White House, have indicated that they are working to finalize the next federal COVID-19 relief package by the end of July.

McGuffin notes that the health of the USPS is important to the wellbeing of millions of Americans who rely on it for delivery of vital goods and services. Mail delivery has become even more critical as the nation continues to work its way through this unsettled period where access to stores and services has been limited in many parts of the country, the letter states.

The financial condition of the USPS is also of significant importance to AHPA’s members and their customers, who depend on the Postal Service for the reliable transport of their herbal products such as dietary supplements and teas, and for other vital business activities, McGuffin stresses.

It is essential that the USPS is properly funded to meet the needs of U.S. citizens. Please consider inclusion of significant emergency funding to support the immediate needs of USPS, as you develop the next coronavirus response legislation, the letter concludes.
