AHPA Hires Glenn Christenson as Director of Communications & Marketing

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AHPA Hires Glenn Christenson as Director of Communications & Marketing

Christenson brings strong skills, high energy, and expertise to the position

Published: Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Silver Spring, MD, April 7, 2021 -- The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) today announced Glenn Christenson has joined the association as its new Director of Communications & Marketing, reporting to Amber Bennett, AHPA’s Vice President of Marketing & Engagement.

In his new role, Christenson will elevate AHPA’s communications function with focus on enhancing member communications, increasing proactive media engagement, and highlighting attention on AHPA’s educational events.

According to AHPA’s President Michael McGuffin, “Glenn brings strong skills and high energy to this position and his communications expertise is a welcome addition to our team. He will ensure that AHPA is widely recognized by a variety of audiences for our leadership, regulatory and scientific excellence, work product and successes on behalf of our membership and the herbal products and dietary supplement industries at large.”

Christenson joins AHPA with more than 20 years of experience in communications, marketing and customer relations, including management positions at a prominent medical business services support organization (Apex Physics Partners), a national provider of mobile bedside diagnostic services (now known as TridentCare), and a leading practice management and marketing consulting firm for the dental industry (Levin Group). He holds an MBA in Marketing from Loyola University, Baltimore, Maryland.

Said Bennett, “I eagerly anticipate collaborating with Glenn to bring fresh ideas to our communications and marketing efforts. In addition to the more traditional communications tactics, Glenn is tasked with developing and executing strategies to improve our website, strengthening our social media platforms and creating digital content as we serve our members in executing our Mission. His infectious enthusiasm, positive attitude and passion for good health will go a long way toward ensuring success.”

Christenson is a fitness and endurance enthusiast. Since 2006, he’s competed in 100 events, including triathlons (three-time Ironman finisher), 50-mile and 50K ultramarathons, marathons and other distance races. He believes that nutrition is an essential component of good health, and as such, takes dietary supplements to maximize his performance.

“I am honored and energized to join AHPA,” said Christenson. “This position provides the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to combine my professional experience with a deep and growing personal passion for herbal products and dietary supplements that I rely on to fuel my athletic pursuits and healthy lifestyle. I look forward to living AHPA’s Mission and to serving its members who create a community that brings safe, high quality herbal products to consumers.”

For media requests, please contact, Glenn Christenson.

About AHPA
Founded in 1982, the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) is comprised of more than 350 member companies, consisting primarily of domestic and foreign companies doing business as growers, processors, manufacturers and marketers of herbs and herbal products as foods, dietary supplements, cosmetics, and non-prescription drugs, and also including companies that provide expert services to the herbal trade. AHPA’s Mission is to promote the responsible and sustainable commerce of herbal products to ensure that consumers have informed access to a wide variety of safe herbal goods. AHPA’s Vision is for high quality herbal products to be readily accessible to and broadly used by consumers. More at ahpa.org.
