Reformulation of carbonated drinks could slash more than 6,000 calories per year

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Reformulation of carbonated drinks could slash more than 6,000 calories per year

Published: Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Editor's note: A consumer who consumes two cans of full-sugar carbonated drinks a day would cut more than 6,000 calories a year if 20% of their drinks were reformulated using stevia instead of sugar, according to Euromonitor International. reports that using stevia instead of sugar in carbonated beverages cuts calories by 30% providing an opportunity for consumers to lose weight without changing their habits.

Reformulation of carbonated drinks could slash more than 6,000 calories per year

Using stevia to reformulate just 20% of carbonated soft drinks could slash more than 6,000 calories per year from the diet of consumers, says Diana Cowland of Euromonitor International. 

If manufacturers were to reformulate around one fifth of carbonated drinks to contain less sugar using stevia, it can be estimated that consumers could achieve an annual reduction of between 6,000 and 10,000 kcal per person. 

Euromonitor International has estimated that if full-sugar carbonates were reformulated to contain stevia and hence saw a 30% calorie reduction, a 330ml can of cola carbonates, which contains 139kcal, could be reduced down to 97kcal. 

If 20% of all regular carbonates were reformulated, a person who consumed two cans per day - an amount not wholly inconceivable - would see a reduction of 6,132 kcal annually. 

If the proportion of sugar removed increased to 50%, which is now a clear opportunity due to recent innovations such as the steviol glycoside blend Reb X - developed through a partnership between PureCircle and The Coca-Cola Co (TCCC) - it would result in a calorie reduction of 10,147 kcal annually - based on the same one person consuming two cans per day.

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