Chinese herbal therapy debuts at Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals

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Chinese herbal therapy debuts at Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals

Published: Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Editor's note: The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals have hired certified herbal therapists after the State Medical Board of Ohio began regulating Oriental medicine (including the use of herbal therapy) in 2013. The Cleveland Clinic began operating the Chinese Herbal Therapy Clinic in January and the University Hospitals' Ahuja Medical Center in Beachwood launched herbal medicine consultations this month.

The Plain Dealer

Chinese herbal therapy debuts at Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals

Changes made to state laws have opened the door for certified herbal therapists to prescribe custom Chinese herbal therapy blends and traditional formulas to patients within a clinical practice.

Instead of having to travel out of the state for herbal therapy - to use alone or as a supplement to other prescription medications - Northeast Ohio residents now have two options close to home.

Chinese herbs may be used for a variety of things, such as to alleviate chronic conditions such as sinusitis and insomnia; to help decrease cold and flu symptoms and pain; to regulate menstrual cycles in women trying to conceive; and to improve digestion.

Other candidates for herbal therapy are patients who have multiple, complex symptoms; have exhausted other medical treatment options; or need additional therapy to counteract the side effects of prescription medication. ...


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