International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplements Associations (IADSA) June newsletter now available

International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplements Associations (IADSA) June newsletter now available

Published: Friday, July 11, 2014

The International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplements Associations (IADSA), an association focused on the globalization of food supplement markets and regulatory challenges, is providing AHPA members with the latest international supplement regulation news through theIADSA Newsflash, a monthly newsletter.

AHPA is a long-time and active member of IADSA and AHPA's International Committee has been receiving the newsletter. Because other members may find this information useful, AHPA is distributing the IADSA Newsflash to all members. If you are not interested in receiving this newsletter, simply reply with "Unsubscribe" in the body of the email. No action is required for those who would like to continue receiving this monthly publication.

For the past decade, IADSA has been a trusted source of information about regulatory and scientific developments in the world and the technical requirements of food supplement manufacture. IADSA brings together food supplement associations from six continents and aims to build an international platform for debate and a sound legislative and political environment for the development of the food supplement sector worldwide. IADSA has more than 50 members associations, representing more than 20,000 companies worldwide.Through its IADSA membership, AHPA works to influence international supplement regulations.

June's IADSA Newsflash includes:

  • Ten Years of China FDA-IADSA Cooperation


  • ACCSQ TMHS PWG meeting to be held 23-27 June


  • State Council adopts draft of the revised Food Safety Law
  • China to regulate Internet selling of food and drugs


  • FDA refreshes Nutrition Claim and Labeling regulations


  • New DRI Standard to become effective on 1 April 2015

New Zealand

  • Parliament has passed the New Food Act 2014


  • EFSA publishes more health claims opinions
  • Europe authorizes sweetener Advantame
  • PVA-PEG graft co-polymer added to the EU list of additives
  • Italy adopts the BELFRIT list
  • ANSES publishes its recommendations on supplements containing p-synephrine
  • New labeling requirements for Honey with GMOs
  • EFSA publishes discussion paper on health claims guidance for public consultation
  • Status of Glucosamine discussed in Court


  • New draft Regulation on Food Labeling


  • Update on new draft for food supplements regulation

Costa Rica

  • Ministry of Health bans irregular products


  • ANVISA approves public consultation on allergens labeling


  • Decree on labeling requirements delayed

South Africa

  • Phase 2 of the "Regulations relating to the Labelling and advertising of foods" (R429) Amendment published

United States

  • FDA extends comment period on Proposed Rules on the Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labels
  • Nutrient Content Claims for Omega-3s restricted
  • FDA announces new head of supplement programs


  • Roundtable on counterfeit drugs and dietary supplements held in the State Duma
  • Focus on CIS Harmonisation Common code for three countries

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