Major victory for California marijuana dispensary in federal court

Major victory for California marijuana dispensary in federal court

Published: Thursday, October 22, 2015

San Francisco Gate

October 19, 2015



Major victory for marijuana dispensary in federal court 


Lawful medical cannabis operators across America scored a major victory in federal court today.


United States District Judge Charles R. Breyer ordered the lifting of an injunction against one of California's oldest lawful dispensaries, the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana.


Judge Breyer ruled that newly enacted Congressional law - the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment - prevents the government from prosecuting the Fairfax-based Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, and its founder Lynette Shaw.


The ruling in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California will have far-reaching legal impact, attorneys say.


The medical cannabis industry in California and beyond has faced a federal crackdown since 2011. Major dispensaries Harborside Health Center and Berkeley Patients Group both face pending federal forfeiture actions.


In December, Congress de-funded the Justice Department's war on medical marijuana in the states. However, the Justice Department has been narrowly interpreting Congressional law to continue the crackdown. ...




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