American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) > News > Press Room

Press Room

Our Mission

The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) is the national trade association and voice of the herbal products industry. Founded in 1982, AHPA's mission is to promote the responsible and sustainable commerce of herbal products to ensure that consumers have informed access to a wide variety of safe herbal goods. AHPA’s Vision is for high quality herbal products to be readily accessible to and broadly used by consumers.

Our Expertise

AHPA has particular expertise on the history, science, and regulation of botanicals while its work also has significant influence on non-herbal dietary supplements. Similarly, AHPA expends its resources on issues in the U.S. marketplace and in the international arena, wherever member interests are served.

Our Members

AHPA is comprised of more than 350 domestic and international companies conducting business as growers, processors, manufacturers, and marketers of herbs and herbal products. AHPA members’ herbal products are in tea, beverage, dietary supplement, sports nutrition, personal care, pet and other product categories. AHPA membership also includes individuals, companies and organizations who serve the industry, including consultants, attorneys, media, researchers, educators, and medical professionals.

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AHPA Press Releases and Updates for the Media

AHPA joins leading health and food organizations to urge lawmakers to clearly define exemptions to shelter-in-place orders

March 19, 2020: Three letters urge clear definition of employee exemptions for shelter-in-place orders

In a series of three letters to federal, state, and local governments, AHPA joined healthcare and food organizations to request that uniform language be included in shelter-at-home orders that provide direction to employees working in various industries related to dietary supplements, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals.

AHPA sustainability resources

These resources are compiled to help members and the herbal industry on their sustainability journey

Resources included on this page are intended to assist our members on their sustainability journey and inclusion does not represent verification or endorsement by AHPA. If you feel there are resources missing or if something is included here that does not meet high sustainability standards, please let contact AHPA.

AHPA Continuity of Service To Our Members

AHPA services and commitment to shared goals continue during COVID-19 outbreak

As we all try to adapt to rapid changes, please note that the services AHPA provides and the commitment we share with you to our mission to support responsible commerce in herbal products will not change. We are taking precautions in response to this current emergency, so AHPA’s staff are now all working remotely. Each of us can be reached at our normal phone numbers and email addresses (see here).

AHPA COVID-19 Resources Web Center

Updated March 22, 2021

AHPA has compiled answers to frequently asked questions and resources to help prepare for and respond to COVID-19. This page will be revised and updated regularly as new information about the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and possible impacts on the herbal products industry and the people who work in this trade becomes available.

March 2020 AHPA Report

AHPA Members, Log in to access the AHPA Report

The March 2020 AHPA Report includes a discussion of proposals to make supplement regulation more efficient and effective, the Cannabis Committee's 10-year anniversary, AERs and supplement safety, postponed events and an update on international supplement regulation from IADSA.

AHPA Cannabis Committee Celebrates a Decade of Industry Leadership

AHPA Cannabis Committee Celebrates a Decade of Industry Leadership

March 10, 2020: For 10 years AHPA’s Cannabis Committee has been actively involved in the regulatory, legislative, and technical aspects of moving cannabis (including hemp-CBD) into the legal marketplace

Silver Spring, MD – The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), the voice of the herbal products industry, celebrates the 10-year anniversary of its Cannabis Committee today. The Committee was established on March 10, 2010 to address issues related to the safe use and responsible commerce of legally-marketed products derived from Cannabis species, including hemp and hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD).
Adverse event reporting tells the story of dietary supplement safety

Adverse event reporting tells the story of dietary supplement safety

March 3, 2020: FDA AER data often lacks fields that may prevent misinterpretation, including FDA’s assessment of causation

Washington, D.C. — At the initial Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus briefing of 2020, held last week, Dr. Richard Kingston, president, regulatory and scientific affairs and co-founder of SafetyCall International, educated congressional staffers on the types of evidence used to monitor dietary supplement safety, including adverse event reports, emergency room visits and poison control center data. Dr. Kingston is an expert on clinical toxicology and pharmacology, poison control, product post-market surveillance, and drug and dietary supplement safety.

Industry Coalition Reminds Consumers, Retailers that Dietary Supplements May Not Claim to Cure, Prevent Coronavirus

Some marketers of dietary supplements or other products may be promoting them with claims of prevention or treatment of Coronavirus

The U.S. dietary supplement industry is aware of the growing concern regarding the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and of the public’s desire to protect itself against the virus. The four leading trade associations representing the dietary supplement industry support the responsible sale and use of vitamins, minerals, herbs and other dietary supplements that provide many positive benefits promoting better health and wellness. However, we are concerned that some marketers of dietary supplements or other products may be promoting them with claims of prevention or treatment of Coronavirus.

February 2020 AHPA Report

AHPA Members, Log in to access the AHPA Report

The February 2020 AHPA Report includes a look at the recent U.S.-China trade agreement, the impact of the Coronavirus on the industry, AHPA's comments to USDA on the domestic hemp product program and the final schedule of AHPA Events at Expo West 2020.

AHPA submits comments to USDA on domestic hemp production program

January 30, 2020: Significant room for improvement in the hemp production Interim Final Rule and the subsequent Final Rule

In comments submitted to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), AHPA requested numerous, significant revisions to the Interim Final Rule (IFR) that establishes a domestic hemp production program before a Final Rule is promulgated in 2021.
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2022 Annual Fund Sponsors

AHPA appreciates the support of its sponsors, but does not endorse, recommend, or provide a warranty for any sponsor company, its products or services. AHPA has no responsibility for any transaction entered into with any of these companies.