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Recent AHPA Advocacy


Goldenseal and Aloe vera "non-decolorized whole leaf extract" added to California Proposition 65 list

December 2015: AHPA Update

Companies generally have one year to ensure products comply with new Proposition 65 requirements

AHPA expresses opposition to mandatory product registration

November 2015: AHPA restates recommendation to submit labels to existing federal database

"The existing Dietary Supplement Label Database is an effective platform to provide consumers with the same type of information that would be provided by mandatory product registration," said AHPA President Michael McGuffin.

AHPA joins coalition opposing proposed revision to Prop 65 lead safe harbor

October 2015: OEHHA proposal is problematic from both a policy and scientific standpoint

AHPA joined a coalition to express concerns about OEHHA's proposed revisions to the Proposition 65 safe harbor Maximum Allowable Dose Levels (MADLs) for lead

AHPA Provides Perspective on Emergency Room Visits Purportedly Associated with Supplements

When placed into context, study demonstrates relative safety of supplements

Article published in New England Journal of Medicine

overstates emergency room (ER) visits associated with dietary supplements. Study also shows supplements are relatively safe compared to other product categories.

AHPA urges USP to use more precise terminology in proposed general chapter

August 2015: AHPA Update

AHPA expresses concern that USP's proposal confuses unlawful misbranded drugs with legal dietary supplements

AHPA Cannabis Committee submits comments on proposed state marijuana regulations for Alaska

June 24, 2015: Cannabis Alert

AHPA Cannabis Committee submitted comments on June 19 in response to the Alaskan Alcoholic Beverage Control Board / Marijuana Control Board's May 19, 2015, Proposed Regulations

AHPA submits comments on proposed amendments to registration of food facilities

AHPA on Monday submitted comments on the FDA's proposed rule for the registration of food facilities, which amends and updates current registration regulations as part of the implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

AHPA comments on California proposal to list goldenseal, aloe as 'known to cause cancer' under Prop 65

AHPA criticizes one of the mechanisms OEHHA uses to add substances to the Prop 65 list

AHPA submitted comments in response to OEHHA's Notice of Intent to List goldenseal root powder and Aloe vera, whole leaf extract, as known to the state to cause cancer under Proposition 65

Limitations of DNA testing for botanical identification

April 14, 2015: DNA analysis can generate false negative results due to the normal and expected lack of DNA in some processed herbal ingredients

The statement provides the view of the American Herbal Products Association of the current state of the science of the use of DNA barcoding as a technique for authenticating the identity of herbal materials for this purpose and is intended to explain any misunderstandings that may arise out of the March 30 agreement as to the currently limited applicability of this analytical technique.

AHPA Policy prohibits the sale of bulk caffeine

Recent reports associate serious injury and death with use of pure caffeine purchased by consumers in bulk packaging

The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) Board of Trustees on March 4 established a trade requirement that prohibits sale by AHPA members of pure caffeine in bulk form at retail (to consumers).
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